Find Beautiful Trees & Shrubs

for Your Yard

The foundation of any thoughtfully designed landscape is trees and shrubs. Evergreen trees make an excellent dark background that brings out the hues and textures of lesser plants! Trees enhance the scenery with their stunning spring blossoms, refreshing summer shade, and striking fall foliage. On a sweltering summer's day, picture your family lounging in the cool shade of an oak tree and savoring delicious peaches from the fruit trees you planted!

Honeysuckle NURSERY & DESIGN

Native to Maryland

We have many trees native to Maryland, so know this is just a small selection of ideas for your yard. We are happy to help you select the best tree for your location.

Honeysuckle NURSERY & DESIGN

The Paw Paw tree can grow up to 20' while providing large fruit for you. In the spring, the leaves change to a beautiful shade of purple.

Honeysuckle NURSERY & DESIGN

White Oak is Maryland's official tree with its majestic style, leaves that turn color with the seasons, and delightful round acorns.

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Red Maple, as it sounds, is gorgeous in the fall. Everyone enjoys watching its helicopter-style seeds (known as Samara or maple keys) flutter by.

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The Eastern White Pine is often better known as the Christmas tree, as its needles are slightly softer than other pines. This is a good wind barrier as it grows up, and it is home to a good deal of wildlife. You'll also be able to collect pine cones for various craft projects (saving some for wildlife).

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The magnificent blossoms of the Tulip Poplar are reminiscent of another well-known flower, the tulip! The blossoms that hang from the branches of this tree pull in a variety of pollinators. The tulip poplar is the ideal tree for year-round color, since it turns a golden hue in the fall.

Fruit Flowering & Shade

We also carry varieties of fruit trees, flowering trees, and shade trees.


Consider using shrubs as your landscape's green screen. We have a large selection of shrubs to meet your needs, whether you need borders to maintain your property line, a backdrop for your newly planted perennial or annual bed, or a splash of color for your front yard.

Shrubs with rapid growth are excellent for quickly establishing hedges, privacy screens, or buffers for house landscaping.

Native to Maryland

Looking for shrubs that are native to our area? The Northern Bayberry offers a rich fragrance and dense cover.

The Winterberry Holly not only has rich green leaves, but provides berries for the birds to enjoy in the cooler months.

The Viburnum is also a flowering shrub that comes in a variety of colors. It prefers full sun and regular watering. Birds love it, but deer do not.

Honeysuckle NURSERY & DESIGN

Privacy Shrubs

When choosing privacy shrubs, consider the space they'll need to grow to their full potential. We're happy to talk with you to make the best selection for what you want to do. Just a few nice choices are Barberry - which grows to 8' tall with beautiful foliage! It is low maintenance, and birds love it. The Ligustrum has little flowers to please the pollinators in the spring; it does need plenty of water while it is getting established.

Fruit Bearing Bushes

The children and adults alike tend to eat their fruit when they get to pick it fresh at home. Blueberry, Blackberry, Raspberry are just a few great options to add to your yard.

Flowering Shrubs

Roses, Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Camellias, and the Butterfly Bush are just a few beautiful ones that provide fragrance and color.

Climbers - Vining Shrubs

There are also climbing varieties of wisteria, roses, and hydrangeas that add interest and color. English Ivy may be invasive, but in its place, it creates a rich ground cover or climbing fence.