
Perennial Plants

Perennial flowers or foliage will come back from one year to the next, ready for you to enjoy with each season.

We choose locally sourced items to bring you many types of perennials - simply efficient groundcovers, container garden plants, plants for the sun or shade, or whatever you need to make your garden as you want.

Honeysuckle NURSERY & DESIGN

Grasses & Groundcovers

Ornamental Grasses can provide a multi-level texture, coverage, with low-maintenance to add interest to an area. Groundcovers do more than just cover ground as the name entails, but fill in the blanks in a rock garden or flower bed.

Honeysuckle NURSERY & DESIGN

Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses have become quite popular in recent years. Ornamental grasses are yard grass for a lawn but simple perennial plants. We provide a wide variety of choices that will be easy to grow and low-maintenance for your own design. Some popular grasses are Panicum, Miscanthus, and Pennisetum (known as Fountain Grass, seen here).

Honeysuckle NURSERY & DESIGN


Groundcovers are plants that spread out, staying low to the ground. They provide colorful foliage where you'd rather it not be just ground or weeds. Popular ground cover is English Ivy, Liriope, Ajuga, and Vinca.

Native To Maryland Perennials

We have a selection of perennials that are local to our state. These include the Iris (Northern Blue Flag), Butterfly Weed, Cardinal Flowers, Black-Eyed Susan, Aster, and Turtlehead. The Cardinal Flower is another great pollinator that prefers partial shade with damp soil.

Shady Perennials

Some perennials prefer full sun, while others prefer to live in the shade. A few ideas to brighten up your shady areas are Hostas, Bleeding Hearts and Cardinal Flowers.

Sunny Perennials

The perennials that prefer sun include Butterfly Weed, Allium, and Lambs Ear. Lambs Ear does prefer to keep its feet dry, so give it a sunny spot.


Bringing the bees, butterflies, birds, and other pollinators to your yard isn't only fun to watch, but great for the ecosystem! They carry the pollen from place to place. Since these are perennial plants, they'll come back to your garden again and again to continue their work. A few favorites are Bluebells, Tickseed, and Butterfly Weed. Bluebells are a fine, shady ground cover, while the Aster and Butterfly Weed love the sun.

What Deer Don't Like

Love to watch the deer? Except when they're munching on the flowers? They tend to not like the more fragrant varieties of perennials. Some that we've found that deer are not likely to eat are Bee Balm (another super pollinator), Russian Sage, Milkweed and Barrenwort.

Perennial Flower and Foliage Gallery